Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ads: The Chinese part

     Nescafe not only does well in gaining considerable percentage of the U.S.’s market share, it has also successfully entered into Chinese market and earned a proper place. The data(data source) shows that Nestlé’s Nescafe brand is a long-running favorite in the instant coffee sector in China and Nescafe has now become a generic name for coffee. Why can Nescafe stand firmly in the Chinese coffee market? Some of the reasons are in the ad above. The ad was also released in 2009, and can be seen almost everywhere in big cities. What comes first to my eyes of this ad is the steaming mug of coffee. The mug is also a sharp red color, which fits in the deep red-brown background well. In contrast to American’s on-the-go lifestyle, Chinese people advocate a casual and easy lifestyle that emphasizes the perception and enjoyment of things. In addition to that, from Chinese’ view, red color symbolizes good fortune and joy. Therefore the implicit message here is this warm, steaming cup of coffee can absolutely make you enjoy the current moment and the rest of your day. It is probably for this reason that makes Nescafe insist on its red color to emotionally connect to Chinese people. Additionally, a pile of coffee beans under the mug is to indicate that the company uses genuine, high-quality raw materials to make Nescafe for the purpose of establishing credibility and appeal to the ethos of audience.

      When it comes to the text of the ad, the four big vertical Chinese characters on the left side mean “Nestlé Coffee” which aims at publicizing its brand image to create more influence. The text”味道好极了” on the top right corner means “It tastes great”. Same as the slogan on the American ad, this sentence has some other unsaid meaning. In this tea-drinking nation, coffee culture is just starting to touch down. Most Chinese do not fully appreciate the taste of coffee, but they are content with the taste of instant coffee. That is because Nescafe delivers the best coffee taste catering to Chinese consumers’ taste. This not only enables Nescafe to stand out from other countless coffee brands and dominate Chinese youth’s heart, but also makes it become dominant in Chinese instant coffee market. If the slogan above is brilliant enough, the other two lines of text below the slogan can be attributed to a typical but good example of logos. The translation of the text is: “Every wonderful moment” “Every cup of Nescafe”. The company emphasizes yellow color on two “every” in an attempt to establish a logical connection which can be interpreted as: Nescafe will help you achieve every accomplishment in your life. According to my research, in China coffee mainly appeals to adventurous, open-minded, young, urban consumers who are in favor of western lifestyles, such as students and white-collar workers. Nescafe targets at this point and makes good use of the logos to encourage them to experience coffee and live out their dreams. 

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